4th of July Pie Baking Contest
Get out your rolling pins! It’s time for the 4th Annual Mission Hills Pie Contest. You’ll get to taste delicious pies and help out the Town Council – only Members (and bakers) will have access to the Pie!
Last year we had 20 bakers, 40 home baked pies and hundreds of happy neighbors and friends. This year we are aiming for 30 competitors and 60 pies! We need your help by entering the competition and helping us spread the word.
In addition to great prizes, the winner of this year’s contest will have their pie baked and sold by the bakery at the Lazy Acres store on National Pie Day – January 2020!
Enter the contest by submitting your information here: Join the 2019 Pie Baking Contest

July 4 @ 12:30 pm
12:30 pm
Pioneer Park