Survey Results for April 21 Candidates’ Forum
A total of 46 Town Council members responded to the Board’s survey of rankings for topics at the upcoming Council District 3 candidates’ forum. Because of technical difficulties, the survey was re-issued. Therefore, two sets of responses are charted – one for 10 respondents and one for 36 respondents. (We’re not statisticians so the results from the two identical surveys remain separate.)
Respondents provided 15 individual comments concerning other topics of interest. One topic stood out for being mentioned in five comments – the Uptown Community Plan Update and its affect on housing, building heights and densities, and infrastructure needs.
Recreational needs and joint-use (school and neighborhood) facilities garnered two comments. Other topics include RR noise, community gardens, airport traffic on India Street, taxpayer funding for the Chargers, bike and pedestrian access, repairing Washington Street, and off-leash dog park in Mission Hills.
The candidates’ forum promises to be a fascinating opportunity to hear from Anthony Bernal and Chris Ward. Join us at 6:00-8:00 PM at Francis Parker Auditorium, 4201 Randolph Street.
As part of this quarterly Town Hall, SANDAG will present an update on the Uptown bikeways plan before the candidates’ forum.